i'll be missing you...puff daddy
leavin' ..jesse mccartney
o lover ...jason mraz
when we kiss ...josh bales
crazy love...van morrison
the little things...colbie caillat
where we gonna go from here..mat kearney
free-fallin...john mayer (FAB!!)
near to you..fine frenzy
almost lover..fine frenzy
mercy...duffy (great "turn up the treadmill song")
wishful thinking...josh bales
lucky....jason mraz
just so you know...jesse mccartney
relax girls...i haven't jumped the christian music bandwagon...just trying to keep it in motion and quick fun music is the key (in my little workout world anyway) i will do anything to be committed to going for awhile... hope you enjoy and your itunes budget is not blown...mine definately is...mmmm good stuff
speaking of a workout...got home this morning from a run and the pictures that follow were met with a "bent over laughing" reaction from me....screaming HOLD ON LET ME GET MY CAMERA..... red-neck sledding, alabama sledding even...no snow so it's pine straw..and my husband completely instigated which is even funnier to me...this is our backyard hill, which we thank goodness haven't planted anything on yet...heaven forbid we prevent entertainment...
(sidenote: saturdays the kids dress themselves and sometimes it really is scary...LOL)

blessings until next time...
i love you bebek and sam...old friends and new...