Tuesday, January 6, 2009

not much longer...

hello to all who read...
not much longer..a few design changes and a little server switcheroo and i am back in blogger business with my new spot...www.eilerandcompany.com/blog- I THINK!! ...yay!!

it is official...sample sets have shipped and some have arrived...another yay!! i am so very pleased with how the last few pieces turned out-thatwewaitedforfromtheupsmanandtheywerelate!!!!- ...my favorite patterns yet i think on a few things...pictures included here along with the ups man just for kicks...

so i share once again...my precious patient models...enjoy!!
lots of posting to come...
my love to bebek and sam...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

goodbye to blogger...

hello to all who read...
exciting news today...i am moving to wordpress...not sure what all that will mean but i know that you will love my new blog home...so today my favorite designer is snowed in and she is going do her thing...yay!! see you soon...
until next time....

Friday, January 2, 2009

3 more and a quote to encourage....

hello to all who read and fellow bathroom mirror goal people....
writing to share a few more pictures before the trunks leave on monday...we are so incredibly thankful our process is going well here - the one that gets thousands of pieces of clothing sent in a really organized fashion across the southeast...the kind that makes you all think we were finished well before just 15 minutes before the UPS store welcomes the driver to pick up our 11 boxes...hmmmmm they will arrive and they will be organized and we will take a nap when finished...yay!! aren't these models for these photos so patient...they don't even look cold and they didn't complain at all!! LOL

so anyway...i wanted to share a quote that i got from the gym aerobics coordinator through email...nifty huh...gym emails???

"The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Graves, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success"

i was really thinking about this in terms of exercise...and perseverance there...i told myself this morning during sprints that i was too tired to do..."self...(haha right)..work hard now...this is where you put in the time that will pay off later...work hard, work really hard..."
so to all of you who have emailed me about your goals...now is where we put in the time and it is hard....but it will pay off...

all of my love to bebek and sam...
and to summer..thank you for your encouragement, love you tons!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

transparency...again...and to bebek...

hello to all who read...i have posted alot lately so please scroll down for business stuff that most of you are looking for...maybe even "page down" it has been a rather busy blogging week...
just a note for today...
you can probably tell through my blog, if you know me well enough...that i have had some curve balls thrown my way in the last few months...one after another, spiritual warfare to be sure, satan is alive and well and wants me to suffer along with everyone else, and he is better at his job than we give him credit for...but yet real me with real emotions about all of it right in the middle...feeling deeply and passionately about life in general...trying to find out why all of this is happening...life doesn't get easier...so i persevere and those around me...i am grateful for my precious and loyal friends...and my husband...my patient husband...thank you...
so my precious friend bebek whom i send my love to every single day and at the end of every blog entry...we talked today about storms (baby Sam has cancer)...my oldest friend- to you bebek...you have penetrated my soul on so many levels and i feel relieved today more so than in the last few months to share with you my struggles...even in the midst of yours...we both agreed that this life is fleeting and we are so glad...we shouldn't expect things to be better here and there is a purpose for that ...so that we will not long for the things of this world as not to not want to leave them behind... and so i was encouraged by her...by the fact that struggles across the board are there and it is how we deal with it that builds character to either deal with the next one or help someone else..bebek you are loved by anyone who comes in contact with you and i love you ....
so once again i send my love to baby sam too...you are both so strong...one more round...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 post day....please look and have a laugh!!

hello AGAIN...
can you tell i'm stressed....i do this...i blog when i should be doing 9000 other things...like building the website products...sorry people, little distracted...

ok the reason for my post!! i have to share...my graphics guy, lead designer for the web company has been working with me on favorite laundry's website just a little while now (he does bbtn too)...well, the long story is that he works for my brother who owns valeo marketing and design...

SO anyway...matt is quirky like me...so we (my husband and i) just wiped the tears away from laughing at what he did for the website just while under construction....maybe it is just funny to us...but just in case it is not- have a good laugh on matt...and me with my favorite song these days...(GREAT to run to btw- i think of it as my "pursuit of a tiny hiney" song...LOL..see!! really quirky!!) at the very least you can mark it in your favorites on your browser...enjoy!! it's quick don't miss it!!


101 things...

hello to all who read...
i just recently read one of our customer's blogs with 100 things about her...(thanks allison from montgomery)...so i will post the same just because i enjoyed hers...i am hoping that you all will follow suit...you know who you are!!

1. i LOVE diet coke!
2. my ipod is one of my most favorite gadgets...along with my blackberry
3. i think people should update their blogs regularly....
4. i think if you have an idea you ought to do it!
5. i love paper, fabric, and photography
6. i use a nikon d60 and love it! - i just need to learn how to use it better...
7. "blessed be the name" does not have a business plan and was kindof an accident...
8. i drive a stinking minivan...and i'm not sure i'm ok with it...
9. i love great workout clothes and good jeans..
10. fun shoes are a must
11. one of my favorite childhood memories is eating taco bell on christmas eve
12. a roomba is the saving grace for someone who doesn't like to have walmart feet...
13. i love music and love to find new artists...
14. my favorite retail brand for kids is bodenusa.com (for kids)
15. i drive pretty fast
16. i live by a paper planner....
17. i went to school for nutrition and still gained TONS of weight with my first pregnancy
18. blogging is my therapy
19. i have to shut the dishwasher after unloading and then open it again to load it...finishing one task before starting another...quirky!!!
20. i don't believe in overscheduling my kids...they need down time! (and so do i)
21. i have big problems with people who write checks in the grocery checkout line..for the love!!!!
22. it is important to always say goodnight
23. i went to auburn 94-99...yes, it took me five years...i changed my major :(
24. i am a big picture person and hate details...i have made myself learn to pay attention to them and it is VERY hard...
25. i love that i work from home...
26. i think everyone needs something to be passionate about in their lives besides their kids
27. texting is my favorite mode of communication!
28. don't YOU hate filling your gas tank?
29. not a big fan of walmart...but i make myself do it...
30. we eat protein, carbohydrates, and low fat foods at EVERY meal...
31. i wish that everyone knew the secret to dieting and exercise....
32. i am absolutely addicted to cheese dip but can't have it often..
33. favorite movie...the notebook
34. favorite flower...tulips
35. a clean car (on the inside) is a must
36. i am certain that if people would write about deformed theology it would help alot of people
37. i hate it when people are not loyal to their feelings
38. i think you ought to do what you say you are going to do...
39. i love good friends....doesn't everybody?
40. i have one laundry day...i don't do laundry every day...need a break from it!
41. white sheets are fabulous...
42. i love daydreaming!
43. windshield time is VERY important (in the car time- by myself)
44. pedicures are a HUGE luxury and a must on the splurge list
45. favorite color of toenail polish- "you don't know jaques" by OPI
46. shelby county is where i grew up in TN and shelby county is where i live in AL
47. i pick fabric and just about anything else VERY quickly...
48. lifting weights is a great way to relieve stress
49. crushed ice is a great motivation to do anything or go anywhere...
50. chick-fil-a is fabulous- don't you love how quick they are?
51. it is very important to me that my kids not fight and that they learn to love each other dearly...and play together
52. woodburning fireplaces are fabulous!
53. i love the beach and dread cold weather...like 50 is cold...
54. i don't sew well...functionally i know how but little scary to think about...
55. i make patterns but it isn't a pretty process...
56. i didn't really know that i was cut out for this business...or managing projects and people...i did public relations for an orthodontic office for my last job...
57. i love auburn football!! i worked with recruiting for three years and loved it!!
58. i know my ups, fedex, and postal lady WELL...we are their first stop on the way in the neighborhood...
59. i love that the UPS store is such a familiar place
60. my errands loop is short and it actually is a loop...gym, cleaners, ups store, embroidery, crushed ice at zaxby's
61. sometimes i wonder why life is filled with such mundane things...but yet it makes us happy at points....
62. i dream of a third child...cooper...don't know if that will happen
63. we build houses..several...and love it!! great process, highly recommended
64. i would love to have a pink golfcart with flames and live in mt laurel....
65. logan and mia both have my feet and i hate that!!
66. i will hopefully be designing fabric for AE designs...soon!
67. my husband works for a high-speed scanner company and loves to fish...
68. we went to playa del carmen on our honeymoon
69. i am so grateful for several GOOD friends...they are close and loyal...even when i am not in a place to be a great friend
70. treadmill is my chosen torture device...
71. did you know that you can run sprints and get a great "longer" workout out of it..
72. i wish people knew that how you eat is 85% of what you look like & feel...not the gym...
73. i am originally from memphis and would not move back...i love birmingham
74. there are a few people in my life that have penetrated my soul...that is very important to me
75. i think that it is sometimes confusing that trials can cause you to have a shaken foundation even though you know what is right...
76. did you know that you can PIN someone on a blackberry for free- meaning a free text if you have their PIN code?
77. vonage is a great phone carrier
78. good sunglasses are important
79. i love the lake...and wakeboarding
80. a great grilled chicken salad is very hard to come by...and so is a grilled chicken sandwhich
81. i love bling...
82. i am usually very certain about what i do and don't like and rarely change my mind or waiver...
83. i write my goals on my bathroom mirror
84. i think kids need lots of affection!
85. a girl's trip to the beach is one of my favorite things
86. finding a good band to "shake you hiney" to is IMPORTANT every now and then
87. i use cooking light recipes MOST of the time
88. after dieting for awhile...lean quisines DO fill you up..
89. favorite sports' bras...target champion 17$ tons of colors
90. i love the thought of otis redding and the balcony at the beach
91. you should be told good morning by somebody no matter what...
92. i hate goodbyes
93. i hate dry sandwhiches
94. grey's anatomy, the bachelor, and biggest loser are my favorite shows
95. i love the dialogue between meredith & christina on grey's -she explains why she is her "person"...
96. don't by dri-fit athletic socks...you might fall of the treadmill for how slippery they get...
97. i have never fallen off the treadmill...but almost
98. you should squat for your leg workout...
99. i struggle just like everyone else with alot of things..
100. i know deep down that God loves me despite any trials and circumstances
101. i am offically out of things....
your turn!!!!
as always my love to bebek and sam...

Monday, December 29, 2008

what we did today....and a contest!!!

hello to all who read...
what a beautiful day to try accomplish what seems impossible...timeline for this week- forget it, total and complete damage control...at best...trunks ship NEXT monday- as in the fifth (sorry to alarm everyone and sorry to amelia for the alarmed emails)...we were definately not ready to ship today...
so in short we were taking pictures on a beautiful day (even though at noon with too much light after a brutal leg workout no less i squatted, again...yay for photoshop and the what shade we could find and maybe time will take care of the legs)...
the website and slideshow will be new soon....

CONTEST!! or should i say incentive offered for participation....everybody can do well in this one...(i hate it because i don't ever win anything, so you CAN win this one...)
to receive a free monogram...(i will keep up with it)....please comment with your name, city & state, and your most favorite children's clothing store that you could see BBTN clothes being sold...or should i say Favorite Laundry clothes...please make sure to include the city of the store...that's it!! easy right?? enjoy the benefits!!
and thanks...in advance!!

until next time...
all of my love to bebek and sam...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

our christmas....and news!!

hello to all who read..
i am hoping your week has been wonderful...enjoying your family and hopefully travels were safe and light...and kids were great in the car, of course...
i am grateful for this week but somehow i am always ready for normalacy and even the daily routines that go along with the other months of the year...we are back from said roadtrip, unpacked somewhat, and everyone is in bed...and so i share bits of our week and traditions...a funky tree, chinese food on christmas eve (new tradition!), familiar christmas decorations, and the fun of the kids opening presents...and of course everything else that couldn't possibly be mentioned just like your house i'm sure....

and so i write...
i have just written my list of things that have to be accomplished this week...my load will be heavy and overwelming...ugh...i just read in my planner that some smart anonymous person said "you should not ask for a lighter load, but for a stronger back..." that seems to be the theme of life these days...with stresses of life, kids, business as usual, and certainly the daily struggle to abide...and why is it that abiding is a struggle?

so on a business note... clothes continue to fly, 76 boxes of tees are here, the bbtn girls are (i am hoping) well-rested from the week (smiling...)...and trunks will ship monday....11 this time going 11 different routes for approximately 8-10 weeks...hhhheeeerrrreeee we go girls!! spring 2009 with bbtn....

ok....finally, the news!!
"what the heck is favorite laundry anyway!!??" well...if you are a blog reader you get to know and everyone else can guess, i hope not very well....we are going to market in atlanta!! Favorite Laundry will be made up of some of my most favorite designs and fabric made just for wholesale- same quality!! the two companies will run simultaneously but differently and independent of one another because of their different designs and the nature of their sales... shop owners... mickey guyton is our rep on the 13th floor...so...that is the news!! exciting and scary at the same time!! i hope you will enjoy getting to visit your favorite retail stores and seeing something a little familiar...contest with benefits coming with regards to the new venture...so our market date is january 24th weekend...so we will see....

thoughts behind favorite laundry:
Unique designs that are age-appropriate and somewhat timeless…

Classic but with an endearing memorable twist

Whimsical simplicity….

Easy to wash and even easier to wear

A perfect birthday party or grocery store outfit
but wonderful for naptime as well

We want to dress your children for your greatest memories

We know that you will find these to be among your favorite clothes and here’s hoping they are in your laundry pile most often…

as always,
my love to bebek and sam, and to my person- i missed you this week...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

happy birthday little one...

hello to all who read...
happy birthday mia....what a wonderful day we had yesterday...her very own bike was a hit...pajama day for most and then a mall outing to see santa and build-a-bear....
what a precious child she is ... a daily encouragement to me...her spirit is amazing....she lights up whatever room she is in, the hit of the party always, sweet and gentle yet very strong and stubborn...driven and passionate yet sensitive to those around...loves the thrill of life and yet stops to check out the details...laughs easily and very often, serious when needed and obedient... her heart is so soft and very silly....girly but tough in a wonderful way...

i love you mia....there would be a huge whole if you weren't in the world...not to mention a huge hole in our family...
as always .... all of my love to bebek and sam, new friends and old... i am so grateful

Friday, December 19, 2008

hello to all who read...
sharing just the postcard today... for hostesses this is your invitation...we have a new designer and i am thrilled to be working with her creative mind...(i still love laurengdesigns btw)...i am just thrilled to be working with joelle from imagegardenphotos.com - designer of the favorite laundry logo and the soon to be AE designs...things are moving right along here...clothes are flying and everyone is in full swing...spring 2009 show schedule and new photos will be posted very soon to www.blessednames.com as well....
i am grateful for all of the hands involved..especially during this super busy time of year...thank you to the BBTN team for taking charge in their different areas...your help is appreciated more than you know!! The birmingham team is doing a great job of making deadlines and manufacturers are working so hard as well...thank you!!
more posts to come this week...so much fun to share...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

transparency & firsts...

hello to those who read...
i am about to inundate you once again...pictures and more pictures...i love taking them, editing, and sharing... therapeutic kindof...stress dissapates while editing because it a creative outlet that does not require me to decide something hard...like how many yards of fabric to ship across the country or how many tees you all may want to buy for the whole season...in the midst of editing i may forget that it's been a rough week and that there are 76 huge boxes coming this week and that it might just be stressful on that day...
with editing, i get to decide whether it is important to take the red out of the picture, whether it needs to be blurred, or cropped...or just sharpened....saturated?? how fun...with the undo button at my disposal, really there are no consequences to my decisions...just a wait and see....much easier than my work decisions or the reprocussions of life decisions. much less stressful...so it is welcomed and as a result you are inundated...sigh!!

these are of mia's first real haircut...not just a trim...she wanted to have hair "juss like mommy"...so we chopped it to short and we love it!! it fits her "juss like mommy" funky attitude too...

and logan's first basketball game...he did a wonderful job and the bulls won!!

so i have talked to several people after the last post...it is apparent that it hit home with some of you....a list of questions for God...most that require real-deal answers...ones that just won't go away. so i say seek, like i am, define your questions and pray for answers- or just cry out to God when you cannot pray ...asking for clear answers...so that you may have peace...and maybe he will give you enough peace until you can understand or enough peace because you will never get to understand...at least not soon.

my posts have been transparent lately (well...they always are i guess)...i think those of us who are passionate seek the very deepest connection with God and with man...i am not content with loving half-heartedly and letting life pass by...and so diving into life is not always the smoothest of rides...
but as far as being passionate...i wouldn't trade it because whatever my road i am sure to feel it deeply and appreciate it greatly....another reason why i share.....

lots of love to bebek and sam...you are both so strong...

Friday, December 12, 2008

new shoes and another peak...

hello to all who read...
i am always sharing something quirky it seems but i hope it always makes sense even if you are personally very logical and straightforward...maybe it is just a little sidestep for you to think about things how i see them...and so i continue to share...

before i shared my lime shoes with you...and today i add another pair. really a little more normal and fun just the same...i call it retail therapy as many of us do when you are in need of a little "pick me up" - so i splurged...which i don't do often...although always up for a vietnamese pedicure i usually don't buy things out of a certain frame of mind...today i did....just needed...

but i thought about it...my attempt at "feeling a little better" is so very futile. maybe it is the time in my life and all of our lives when we need to realize how we are created...a void only God can fill. a spot that is God-shaped and designed so that even fun shoes still leave a hole.... while i have had more than a list of questions for God lately- he made me and wants to fulfill the desires of my heart. he wants to be the desire of my heart at all times but he is gracious and merciful during times where he is not. he still pulls at my heart during trials letting me know that while i think i know what is best - he always knows better...

what's more...he is not only capable of filling my desires but making them desires that are my idea as well....that he didn't even talk me into it...make sense? so i am asking that God make my desires ones that would honor him and glorify him. even as a believer i am more than wretched and i even tend to resist what he wants for me- knowing full well that he is my creator and knows me better than anyone...even when life makes me question if i know what i need...

during times when i am lost in the futility of life- i am determined to seek his will even if my list of questions for him outweighs the stamina that i seem to have...maybe this is what the velveteen rabbit meant, huh?

Lord, i don't understand what you are doing in my life but i see enough evidence to trust you...even if my doubts are numerous- i am yours God and i know you are in the business of teaching me... however hard the road is...i look forward to the peace that i am trusting you to give me..

i am grateful that we have a patient God...a God who is jealous and holy...one that loves us no matter how much we question and how far we go to do things ourselves...

all of my love to new friends and old...bebek and sam...

p.s.- boy moms...here is another peak for you...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a sneak peak...

hello to all who read...
tough week here to be sure but in the midst there are always things you have to make yourself do...yesterday was one of those days where you wake up and do what you have to do regardless of how you feel....so in the wind and weather we took pictures..thank you to my precious friend Summer for her presence and expertise...so i share what the precious littles did yesterday...
the spring season is just right around the corner...approaching much faster than i wish it would to be sure...there is so much to do and much stamina needed to do it...i just wish this was as easy as bathroom mirror goals...it pales in comparison...
all of my love as always to bebek and sam...