hello to all who read...
what a beautiful day to try accomplish what seems impossible...timeline for this week- forget it, total and complete damage control...at best...trunks ship NEXT monday- as in the fifth (sorry to alarm everyone and sorry to amelia for the alarmed emails)...we were definately not ready to ship today...
so in short we were taking pictures on a beautiful day (even though at noon with too much light after a brutal leg workout no less i squatted, again...yay for photoshop and the what shade we could find and maybe time will take care of the legs)...
the website and slideshow will be new soon....
CONTEST!! or should i say incentive offered for participation....everybody can do well in this one...(i hate it because i don't ever win anything, so you CAN win this one...)
to receive a free monogram...(i will keep up with it)....please comment with your name, city & state, and your most favorite children's clothing store that you could see BBTN clothes being sold...or should i say Favorite Laundry clothes...please make sure to include the city of the store...that's it!! easy right?? enjoy the benefits!!
and thanks...in advance!!
until next time...
all of my love to bebek and sam...
ah! I have a guaranteed win AND I am first =))))
I would say Cotton Tails Memphis, TN (hate that Little Lambs closed!) and possibly Lily Pads in Northport, AL
all the best!
Catherine B.
hi ash! it's courtney (mcclure) defeo from atlanta, ga - and i could totally see it at gretchen's in buckhead. remind me how to find out about shows for spring in atlanta. i want to order that bubble for new baby girl (coming april 06) and get ella matching shorts and tee. SO CUTE!!!
Allison McLendon, Columbia, SC
Little Lambs and Ivy
Ashley, I believe the original store is in Memphis? It is an adorable store and right down the road from me:) Let me know what I can do to promote your new line!
Hi Ashley!
In Little Rock:
The Toggery
Cupcakes and Caterpillars
LOVE the spring clothes I have seen so far. I can't wait to see everything.
Heather McDaniel
Little Rock, AR
I could see BBTN in the store Tiny Town. Tiny Town has two locations, Mablis and Mobile Alabama.
Kimberly Edwards
Lillian, Alabama
two for you!
I am SO excited to get involved with Blessed Be the Name!
the Pink Crocodile
Acworth, Georgia
the Carousel
Columbus, Mississippi
hope this helps!
please let me know if you need more information!
Courtney Workmon
Kennesaw, Georgia
Such cute clothes and fabrics---I would definitely try to sell at The Lili Pad in Cahaba Heights/Vestavia---can't wait to see everything in person!!
Hi!, I am Michelle in Prairie Village, KS (Kansas City) and would love to see your line in our area- not many 'tot shops', but The Little House. Please come to KC! :)
I am also sad that Little Lambs and Ivy closed in Memphis- loved shopping there.
Best of luck!
I was going to say the Lili Pad in Cahaba Heights too. Also, Sew Precious in Hoover.
hey ashley...i'd look into once upon a time in crestline village...i buy a lot of clothes there and recently went in and thought of you...lots of appliques more simple than some in the past...i know she carries some lines that are not "mainstream" so she might be interested...see you soon...
Mommy & Me, Gadsden, right on Broad Street...cutest and only boutique in Gadsden.
Allison Hilyer
Montgomery, AL
The Name Dropper/Storkland
Mont, AL
The Spring line is so cute!!
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the spring line - love what I see so far, super cute!
A good match for your line in Charlotte would be Cutie Pies (South Charlotte).
Lauren Smith
Charlotte, NC
I think your things would do great at Summerville Child here in Augusta.
Amy Morris
Ashley -
I am so proud of you...so exciting! Fresh Laundry will be so perfect in a store called Limetree in Atlanta! They have 5 or 6 stores throughout the city but only a couple have the "lil squeeze" section for kids clothes. The owner's name is Angel - I can get more info if needed...I shop there regularly so I have become friends with the manager of the store nearest me... Oh, no need for you to keep up a free monogram for me - I am having 6 shows in Atlanta so I might be able to clothe the boys for life! Take care and look forward to talking to you soon - Melissa Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
how exciting to have your clothes coming into stores. there is a precious clothing store in tampa, fl called Little Peeps. my sister has a store down the street and does all of thier monogramming. wish you the best!
elizabeth bennett
hey girl sorry i was no help yesterday. i actually just got your message minutes before i checked your blog. photoshop is great. learn about how to change your ISO...you want it to be on 100 when shooting in high light. then its changing your fstop and shutter speed...not the time or place to discuss that. but just remember most of the time we are shooting kids so we want the background blurred = f2.8 or smaller(i don't know what your lens will let you do). Also faster shutter speed in a lot of light because you don't need alot of light. we will dicuss later. you could always shoot in A priority on your camera and let the camera set its on shutter speed. or you could just master photo shop and fix it there...he-he!!
But I would love to see BBTN in Cutie Pie or Gigglies and Coos (probably my favorite) its a new store downtown Auburn. Cutie Pies is by Panera. Let me know if I can help in anyway. Love ya!
Hey! These clothes are adorable!!
Patiently Waiting and Lollipops and Fairytales in Tuscaloosa,AL
I would LOVE to see BBTN at Sugar Plum Kids in Suwanee or Tennille and Co in Suwanee!!! The Spring clothes look GREAT!!
Exciting news about Market! Congratulations. I know you must be so excited. I am sure you have the market cornered here in Birmingham but my favorite shop in Louisville was one called Honeybeez. I will attach their information at the bottom. They have super cute clothes and loyal customers.
I would love to get together soon for lunch. I know you are swamped right now but maybe when things calm down you can shoot me a date.
I'll be praying for your busy week!
125 South English Station Road
Louisville, KY 40245
I LOVE Lily Pads in Tuscaloosa Alabama!!!
I live in Tuscaloosa and most of my ideas have been said, though there is Cute as a Button. They carry just a few clothes but I have noticed the amount of clothes they carry is increasing each time I visit.
Carrie Jones Tuscaloosa, AL
LOVE LOVE LOVE What I see!!! Spoiled Rotten in Greenville, MS would be an excellent place as well as the Punkin Patch in Cleveland, MS
I was beat to it, but yes CottonTails! I have shopped your line for many seasons, so I would like to put my two cents in!!!! We need more boys clothes, I have a 4 year old, I would love more than white shirts..Im always soaking them!!! Boys get such the shaft. The boys side is always 10% of the girls side and our only choices are smocked or polos (especially at Cotton Tails so hopefully you can change that)..as you can see I'm a momma of a boy that wants to dress him as cute as a girl!!!!
Keep up the great designs!! Can not wait for the spring show.
YAY! Is this still an open contest? I'll echo Catherine B. on Cotton Tails in Memphis. Our permanent address is in Memphis, TN (but we are currently in East Asia).
LOVE your clothes, and I am excited about Favorite Laundry!
-Shellie R-
I agree with Allison. Little Lambs and Ivy in Columbia, SC. If they aren't interested, Tiny Treasures might be good.
hey Ashley!!
I would love to see your line (Is it just gonna be Favorite Laundry now?..) at The Lili Pad in Cahaba Heights...and Fireflies and Fairytales at Lee Branch as well...
Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!!...Tell miss Mia I'll see her on Thursday!!
Kacey Sanford ~Ms Kacey :)
Birmingham, AL
Hey Ashley!! Love a good contest! Dothan has the cutest little boutique called Bellamia that would so fit BBTN clothing!!! Cant wait to get my trunk for the spring clothes and the invites are precious....
Amber Brockett
Dothan, AL
There are 2 adorable stores in Fort Worth that would be great to sell your new line:
Snug as a Bug
Zoe & Jack
Let me know how I can help you and we are looking forward to the Dallas/Fort Worth Shows!
I can see your precious clothes in Giggles in Brentwood, TN or Plaid Rabbit in Nashville, TN. Thanks, Heather B.
Hi! I would highly recommend 2 stores in 2 different states...
JB & Me
Louisville, KY
Tiny Town
Eastern Shore Center
Spanish Fort, AL
Amy Simpson
Niceville, Florida
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