Saturday, August 16, 2008

holy kids.....


see i wasn't can't even see them all there is at least 5 more...and this was just tonight...all the kids from this morning would never fit in the frame of a camera...LOL

hello to all...
today has been the marathon kid day...birthday party and going away party...holy kids today!! i am guessing probably 50 maybe blessings!!
well with blessings full, changed, tired, and tucked in bed i blog...debrief, however you want to look at it...

first bella turns three and we took tons of pictures...face-painting the whole nine yards...she had a blast and so did our kids...happy birthday bella!(i have no idea what that code is below??)

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mixed emotions certainly as the brewer family will leave us in about 2 weeks colorado bound. neighbors, best of friends, 5 pregnancies shared, tons of meals, redneck driveway playdates, tons of picnics and driveway pool parties...memories certainly!!
brewer family- shellee, burt, lilee, sophee, and new baby gracee we love you so very much, we will miss you terribly but we are so excited for you on your new adventure...thanks for all of the super fun times with years to you all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear Shelley and Bert are leaving Bham.... such good friends.... Ashley you look fabulous.... your new routine is WORKING!!!!! You give me inspiration! Love all the pix of Mia and of course back to Logan's first day of school... cannot believe how long Mia's legs are getting! she really does look big now! love to you all, Mom