hey girls...
ok it is just not going to work this week...the BBTN show at my house i mean..sorry girls...i will let you know when amelia lets me have a sample set again...LOL!! i love you amelia!!
weekends always fly by but maybe because we usually don't sit still enough for it to crawl...yesterday a quick trip to the lake with the skellie's- great as usual (hospitality and company)...thanks, the kids had a ball!

also, church today..mentally tough...a whole lot of processing to do on today's sermon. We studied Job 1-2, the gospel and suffering...what does it mean to suffer and still glorify God in the midst without a clear picture of God's design...wow!! i don't mean the consequences of our own sin by saying suffering...i meant the kind that you know a loving God let happen...for a good reason! mmm i will be studying the rest of Job this week..what an incredible picture of a wonderful man after God's own heart- he didn't waiver...to hear the sermon (i highly suggest it)...www.thechurchatbrookhills.org under media- today's sermon will be loaded for your podcast enjoyment monday sometime...
God let me not waiver in suffering...glorifying you in all circumstances...you plan is perfect!!
lastly...mia asked when putting her to bed last night..."whadda we gonna doooooo tomorrow?- jussmeandyou??" what a sweet girl...i am so grateful for this part of my life...investing in her more often by herself...we have alot of work to do before kindergarten sweet independent baby...here is her choice of activity of time with "justmeandyou"...
blessings until next time...love you baby sam...
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