Friday, August 1, 2008

odds and ends...

ok..maybe it's time... she is so little (scuse the panties as we had just woken up)...weighing in at 22lbs we are about to put her big girl bed up this weekend. i took this movie to remember her enthusiasm about conquering her confines...hilarious! she is so very proud too...she hasn't starting jumping out just in... so i think we will move while we are ahead...

here are some random pictures of my kids occupying themselves...everybody needs a "grow in the sink" snake...

VBS went wonderfully and was a fun-filled week for sure...our little crowd learned so much about what Jesus did for each and every one of them and that Jesus loves them and will come into their heart when they understand what it means... thanks to you all for sharing your children with us...we are the ones who ended up being blessed by their faith when they are so small. Their prayers were so sweet and their hearts are amazing!

blessings until next time!