Friday, August 22, 2008

you all are so funny....

hello to all who read...lots to tell you because i have slacked blogging this week...
i have a feeling i will be doing alot of entries soon though- so you will probably find yourselves inundated with pictures...i finally finally got my new camera and cannot wait to read the manual that is bigger than the phonebook (please tell me you won't believe that!)...or take a class and let them spoon feed it to me...more buttons than any human can possibly pretend to push while chasing kids...i do want to learn and i love posting pictures the top two are courtesy of nikon d60 in the beginner phases...
my vine on the arbor at the end of the driveway is going nuts...autumn clematis supposedly from my parents' wonderful yard...planted a short 4 months ago and look!! yesterday when i took this picture- i am thinking it was quite possibly the most beautiful day of the summer...super breezy and mia and i blew bubbles for about an hour just to enjoy it...

another note...i am finally getting around to posting the you tube link to the picture slideshow edited and put together by my good friend BJ...we shared his nikon that week- he took most and i loved taking some...super talented and i hope you will enjoy it...takes about 4 minutes and worth full-screen, with speakers, and high quality....(well, if you're gonna watch it...)

you wouldn't believe the emails i have received about my bowls....super inexpensive at anthropologie...hurry though i think they are phasing them out- tons of colors...
several of you have now asked to see my shelves in the kitchen and the other "funky things" that i have the "guts" to do in my house which may or may not be good....i will share things....
i started this blog to have an easily changeable place to put slideshows for BBTN, and also have a place to show sneak peak type stuff...and pictures for family of course...funny enough i met some BBTN customers this week and the comments were along the lines of "i really love the clothes but I LOVE THE BLOG MORE" all are so funny....thanks for reading and i love comments...i would also love it if you would leave your blogs for me to post to my list...i love to follow all of you as well...great to put names with faces after talking to many of you for almost three years now...don't be shy comment away!

lastly, little mia had her first dentist appointment this week with our friends at the dr. smith's office...acted like she was 10..."mr thirsty", water, riding the chair, SPINNING prophy brush EVERYTHING - leave no detail out for her first visit...she did it all without flinching and then proceeded to clean them out at the treasure chest...i would expect nothing less from mighty mia...good girl!!

blessings until next time...


The Fab Five said...

You know I read. Mia is a doll. Give me a review on your camera after a few weeks of use. I'm in dire need a new "good" camera

Ashley Eiler said...

i already know i love it...hey thanks for reading i look forward to comments- i always read yours as well...will fix link soon! i used that camera all week in mexico...amazing and super easy!! take care!!

The Fab Five said...

what is the make/model? thanks!

Ashley Eiler said...

nikon d 60 - "outfit" - all you need initially comes with it...and photoshop of course..